Transfer Tax Calculator
Calculation of the transfer tax
The calculation of the transfer tax is based on the highest price between the municipal evaluation and the purchase price.
The calculation is as follow:
0.5% on the amount up to 50 000$ plus
1.0% on the amount beetween 50 001$ and 250 000$
For the Province of Quebec (outside of Montreal):
add 1.5% on the amount exceeding 250 001$
For the City of Montreal:
add 1.5% on the amount from 250 001$ to 500 000$,
add 2% on the amount from 500 001$ to 1 000 000$
and 2.5% on the amount exceeding 1 000 001$
*Results for illustrative purposes only.
*It is possible that the actual amount differ from the one shown here.
Enter the property price, then click «Calculate» to obtain the transfer tax.
*Results for illustrative purposes only.
It is possible that the actual amount differ from the one shown here.